Zeitformen - English Tenses

Englische Zeitformen


The future perfect is used to describe an action that’ll be finished or something that’ll already have happened before a certain time in the future.


– Positive sentences: subject + will + have + past participle (main verb) Example: By the time the doctor arrives, I will have taken my medications.

– Negative sentences: subject + will (+not, also shorten as won’t) + have + the past participle of the main verb (in our case = taken)

Example: By the time the doctor arrives, I will not (won’t) have taken my medications.

– Yes/no -questions: will + the subject + have + past participle?

Example: By the time the doctor arrives, will she have taken my medication? (yes/no)

– Wh- tag questions: wh-tag + will + the subject + have + past participle? Example: Why will she have taken her medications by the time the doctor arrives?

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